

Learn the basic skills of the game. Campers will learn the fundamentals and practice forehands, backhands, and serves. Campers will have the opportunity to play singles, doubles, and other fun games.


A fitness program designed to learn the technique of boxing while also improving strength and conditioning. It is designed for all ages and fitness levels by allowing each person to exercise at his or her own pace. BOXYGEN utilizes body weight exercises (no equipment needed) and emphasizes safety through proper exercise and punching technique to reduce injury risk. The program teaches punch combinations to improve hand eye coordination and develop strength, speed, flexibility and endurance.

Ultimate Frisbee

Boost your skills in passing and catching a Frisbee while learning how to play this “ultimate” team sport.


Enhance your technical skills and tactical knowledge. Campers will work on improving their dribbling, trapping, passing, and shooting. In addition to daily skill training, campers will play small sided and whole field games.

SPACE Wellness

Come explore an age-appropriate yoga and meditation class taught by a certified instructor. Learn poses, breathing techniques, relaxation and more. You may bring your own but mats will be provided as well.


Swim for recreation will take place at Newton Recreation Department’s Gath Pool with S.P.A.C.E. staff and city lifeguards supervising. As part of this course selection these campers will receive a Newton Swim Badge giving them access the Parks and Recreation swim facilities.

Floor Hockey

Campers of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to participate in floor hockey class. Skills of stick handling, passing, shooting, ball control, defensive positioning and footwork will all be emphasized. Games will be non-contact, safe and monitored by experienced staff. No equipment/experience required.


Campers of all skill and experience levels are encouraged to participate in football class. Campers will take part in a safe, well-structured, instructional and exciting class. Emphasis will be on learning skills, techniques, and terminology of football, including both offensive and defensive positions. Games will be played in a one-hand tag format and taught by experienced staff. No equipment/experience required.


A variety of team and individual games, exercises and athletic activities will be explored. Besides traditional recreation games like capture the flag, team handball, and soccer, campers will be able to play backyard and beach favorites as well. Campers will learn and play new games like Spikeball and Kan Jam, in addition to classics such as badminton, bocce, croquet and frisbee golf.


Polish your dribbling handle, passing, shooting techniques. Campers will engage in drills, competitions like hot shot and skill challenges, as well as play in 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 tournaments over the course of camp.


Spike, serve, set, dig, and sprawl. Learn and practice the fundamental skills of a game first created in Massachusetts. Campers will also engage in small and full squad scrimmages.