
Digital tools and online subscriptions available in the district.

Information about Sora and other resources for finding eBooks and audiobooks for yourself and your students.

These glossaries may be downloaded, printed and disseminated to educators, parents and ELLs/MLLs.

This copyright and fair use chart was designed to inform teachers what they may do under the law.

Information, reference materials, tutorials, and more about the digital tools we use for remote and hybrid learning and our own professional practice

The usual EdTech info (submitting a ticket, etc.) is here, but also loads of resources about digital literacy and instructional technology!

Find out more about the different ways the library can support you and students, especially during projects.

Use this tool from your browser, or get the app, to converse in different languages or have your lessons translated while you teach.

The library offers two newsletters:

A list of printable versions of resources from around the website.

Our local public libraries have tons of amazing resources for you and students to access, including streaming movies and shows, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Access to announcements, staff resources, Power School, and more.