Honors Civics Course Info and Syllabus
Click here: COURSE ESSENTIALS - important information!! This is a link to a summary of the information I think is most important for you to have as we begin the year together. Please take some time to read it over.
Course Expectations
I want to be very clear about my expectations for you, so that you know exactly what you need to do to be successful!
Be present! That means not only in body, but also in mind and spirit as well. I will always give you 100% of my time, attention and effort. I expect the same in return. The more attention and focus you have in our time together the better you will do.
Academic integrity: I am here to help you learn and develop a foundation of knowledge in American government. The tasks I ask you to do have been created with the direct function of enhancing your learning. Copying or cheating does not do anything for your learning! You are wasting your and my time. Do not make me question your integrity, as once that has been damaged it is hard to rebuild.
Reciprocity: This is the principle that there is give and take in a relationship. In my role as your teacher I will do everything possible to help you succeed. I am happy to devote my time and energy in doing whatever I can for you, whether that be extra help, recommendations for scholarships, etc... However, relationships are not just one way. In exchange for my effort I expect the same level of effort and commitment from you. As the student, I need you to give me your best everyday.
Communication: I want you to succeed. I cannot help you if I do not know that you are struggling. The only way I may know is if you tell me. Please reach out to me and let me know if you are have concerns, are having difficulty or if there is something that is interfering with your success. I have been teaching 23 years and all students struggle! The difference between students who succeed and those who do not is knowing to ask for help! If we are in the building you can stop by my room anytime or if we are in virtual learning email me at farrja@abington.k12.pa.us
Grading Policy
This is an honors course so your grade will be weighted with tests/quizzes/major assignments worth 80% of your grade and homework, classwork, participation is worth 20%.
A typical unit consists of the following:
several small reading quizzes
a study guide
a unit test
Occasionally, there may be an additional enrichment assignment to go along with a unit.
Research Paper
You will be required to write 1 major research paper for the year. It is a course requirement and worth a significant portion of your 3rd MP grade. The paper will be 5 - 7 pages in length and about a topic connected to Civics.
Service Learning
There is typically a 15 hr community service requirement in 10th grade. I do not know what the status will be with that this year. I do know that any hours completed last year may be applied to this year.