
Poesia à solta

Ser feliz é...


Numa atividade de escrita criativa, realizada na disciplina de português com a professora Isa Gomes, e tendo por base o poema "Ser Poeta" de Florbela Espanca, a aluna Julieta Castro do 7.º C deu asas à sua imaginação e presenteou-nos com o seu poema.


Professora Isa Gomes

O Mar

Na entrada da Biblioteca,

Vejo uma linda exposição

Como se trata de peixinhos

Tem uma famosa apresentação.


Os peixinhos cativam-nos,

Porque são a riqueza do mar.

Os seres humanos gostam tanto deles,

Porque têm o prazer de os amar. 

O mar com a sua imensidão,

Tem a beleza de nos encantar.

Se não fosse ele,

Como podíamos nós passar?


A vida nele é dura.

Mas o Homem gosta de lutar.

Ao fazer a sua bela pesca,

Para ela a transportar


A faina que ele desempenha,

É difícil e feita com vontade.

Vender o peixe nas bancas,

É da sua responsabilidade.


Ele apregoa o peixe,

Para adquirir freguesia.

Ao vender o seu produto,

Com bela simpatia. 

Como há clientes simpáticos,

Acorrem ao seu pregão.

Ele é um bom vendedor,

Até lhes parta a mão.


Ó mar, tu és tao belo,

Porque nos dás a tua beleza,

Se tu não existisses,

O que seria da Natureza.


Ela tem a tua beleza,

Para o mar a visitar.

Mas a sua alegria,

É para o louvar.


As tuas ondas andam altas,

Porque a lua as faz mudar.

Mas a sua interferência,

Também as faz acalmar. 

O mar vê a lua,

Com a sua simpatia,

Mas ela quando o vê,

Deslumbra com primazia.


Ó mar, tu és tão belo,

Porque possuis uma riqueza.

É oferecida com tanto amor,

Porque o seu visual é uma lindeza.


As tuas marés são altas,

Então elas incomodam.

Mas, quando são baixas,

Elas se acomodam.


Se não fosses tu,

Não podia haver navegação.

Os portugueses sofreram tanto,

Para a sua concretização. ⚫


A.A.E. Maria Santos 

Celebrating “Festa das Línguas”

Game of the Goose

On the 28th of March, as we were celebrating “Festa das Línguas”, we played a really funny game hosted by our English teacher, the Game of the Goose.

The Game of the Goose consists of a giant board made by the teacher and a giant dice made by the students Mina and Maria (7thA).

The rules of the game are simple: you roll the dice and then go however many steps the dice lands; then, depending on which shape you land on, you get an English question related to vocabulary,  grammar or famous idioms. If your answer is correct, you can go 3-5 steps forward, but if there’s no shape, you just stand there and wait for your next turn.

Many other classes had the opportunity to take part and they also had loads of fun!

Overall, we hope we can play the game again next year with even more difficult questions!


Alunas Xinyu Cao (Mina), Maria Caselli, Patrícia Gonçalves, 7º A

Professora Maria João Cruz 

Clube das Línguas

Students were asked to write poems from a song entitled FRIDAY I’M IN LOVE by the CURE.

Here we go!!!

Monday is the dangerous day

Tuesday is the longest day

Wednesday is my birthday

Thursday is my nice day

Friday I’m in love

Saturday is the day of full happiness

Sunday is my favourite day


Manjila and Deepika (8th form A) 

Monday – dreaded

Tuesday – a day of calming

Wednesday – a day of working

Thursday – a day of relaxation

Friday – I’m in love

Saturday – a day of freedom

Sunday – the day of rest

Jonas, Cherish, Gabriel and Alexandre

(8th form A) 

Monday – one of the common days

Tuesday – one of the longest days

Wednesday – relaxing day

Thursday – working day

Friday – I’m in love

Saturday – one of the best days

Sunday – shopping day


Luibomyr and Ivan  (8th form A) 

What we like about school

When we come to school, we love to play football before class. During breaks, we like to play football, go to the “Bar”. We also really like it when the teachers don't come to class. We love eating in the school canteen, where they have lots of meh food. Our most favorite class / Subject is P.E, because we love playing basketball, football and volleyball.

These are all of the things we like in school.

 Alunos Jonas, Cherish, Tomás, Alex and Gabriel, 6º C


We prefer Gymnastics, English, Art, Portuguese and French. However, we like the other classes too. We are also keen on the BE/CRE, classrooms and our little farm. We like our friends, our teachers and the PBX caretakers because they help us a lot and always. We also like the way our teachers teach us and care about us. Sometimes we don't have classes or in the break time we are used to going to the school backyard where we can have a seat and play the table games together.

These are the main things we like about school.

Alunos Deepika, Manjila, Jiayi and Ivan, 8º A

We like the 2 hour breaks because it gives us time to eat and study and even have fun with our friends. We also like the science class because the lab room has different interesting animals that keep us entertained during the whole class and they also make us more interested in Science. We are really fond of the free internet which allows us to check our emails, answer our teacher’s emails and study when we forget our books at home. One of the things we really enjoy about our school is the beautiful view of Lisbon in all the school windows, not to mention the inspiring architecture. It is also amazing to see how many books there are in the old library and some of them are very hard to get, some others don’t but anyway they are all different and very nice. We like the clubs for so many enthusiasts of so many different activities and the various trees, bushes, and even fruits and vegetables growing in our little farm.

Finally, we appreciate the places where we can play different types of games. You can also see not only the great entrance with a big tree, various different benches and seats with tables but also three different divisions where we can play football or other ball games.

It is also nice to observe the access to the cafeteria and the trees and bushes to play hide and seek. The stairs are also a good place to sit with a good access to the bar and other spots.

To sum up, our school is a wonderful place to learn, have fun and meet friends.

Alunos Liubomyr, Ishpreet, Riana and Carolina, 8º A 

Being an English teacher

Being an English teacher for a long time has given me some knowledge and experience about how to practise the communicative and intercultural competences of a foreign language.

 In order to improve students’ fluency, teachers must create a foreign environment in which must be surrounded by the culture and traditions of the target language. Nevertheless, a teacher cannot forget students’ needs and interests because motivation is essential to get students engaged in the teaching and learning process.

We cannot forget that nowadays our students come from different backgrounds, different communities, different countries and consequently a multi-eclectic approach must be used since students learn in different ways because they have different intelligences. In other words, some students have intrapersonal intelligence whereas others have interpersonal intelligence. Furthermore, some students have more tendency to study Music or Maths while others prefer Science or Art.

So, when a teacher gets into a class, he/she has to take into account that different strategies must be used to get students involved in their school tasks since they have different motivation and interests.

As a teacher, my motto is the more you practise, the more you know and the more you can. So to say, don’t forget those who can’t do well in your class, otherwise you will lose them.

Here we go with the following written activities done but those who are really engaged in their school activities when they feel

like doing it.

Professora Célia Almeida 

My best friend is…

My best friend is my mum.

I’ve known her since I was born.

She is my best friend because she is always by my side and she is always kind to me despite some arguments. Actually, she is always there.

She is pretty, funny and dresses well for her age. She has got long hair and she is very humble.

I must say that she is a fighter because she does everything to make me happy.

All in all, she is my queen.

Alexandre, 8º A 

My best friend is Tomás Alexandre.

I’ve known him since 2019.

He is my best friend because he is addicted to vídeo games like me.

He is very slim but strong.

I must say that we have many things in common: We like football and we are very fast.

All in all, we are best friends.

Leonardo, 8º A

My best friend is Leo.

He is 15 years old and he is Portuguese. I’ve known him since 2019.

He is gipsy and wears a beard. I’m very proud of him because he is very glad and funny.

Leo has got a normal weight for his age. His eyes are brown  and his hair brown, too. He is strong and very fast.

I must say that he is sometimes very spiteful.

All in all, we are best friends.. 

Tomás, 8º A 

My best friend is my godmother. 

She is 32 years old. She is my best friend because she is my idol, the love of my life.

She is tall and her eyes are brown. She is beautiful, too.

I must say that she is kind and the best woman I’ve ever known.

All in all, she is my best friend because she is my godmother and helps me when I need her.. 

Isabel, 8º A 

My best friend is Deepika Kandel.

I’ve known her since one year and a half.

She is 14 years old and she is beautiful.

She is quite tall and slim for her age. She has got black hair and black eyes.

I must say that she is friendly and supportive.

All in all, we are lucky to be friends because she is caring and hardworking. l


Manjila, 8º A 

My best friend is Manjila.

I’ve known her since one year and a half.

She is 13 years old and she is my best friend because she is a little bit crazy.

She is quite short and fat for her age. She has got black hair and black eyes.

I must say that she is the funniest and the most caring person I’ve ever met and that’s why she is my best friend.

All in all, we are lucky to be friends because when I am sad she makes me happy and understands me. 

Deepika, 8º A 

My best friend is Leonardo.

I’ve known him since 2018.

He is my best friend because he helps me a lot. He is very kind hearted and I reallly like being around him and my other friends.

He is quite imature and funny for his age. He is tall, healthy and as most of us enjoys playing football.

I must say that he is kind, funny and I love spending time with him and with my other friends, too. They all help one another. They are all very reliable, the ones I can always count on.

All in all, I am very happy to have a friend like him and all the other friends. I am hoping to have this friendship going for ever. 

Cherish, 8º A

My best friend is Ishpreet Kaur.

She is my best friend because I’ve known her for four years and we share the longest friendship I’ve ever had. We met in the first day of school (Passos Manuel, in Lisbon). She came to me and just asked if I wanted to be her friend. She was kind but I was a little confused at first but just said yes.

We share the same interests in music, sports, TV shows, clothes, games etc… and We both think the same way, sometimes even talk to each other, saying the same thing at the same time and even think what the other one is thinking and knowing it…

I must say that she is the best friend I’ve ever had and I wouldn’t “trade” her for anything. We share everything with one another and we have been to each other ‘s houses at least 100 times by now. She is reliable and I can count on her, she is super nice and knows how to deal with almost everything. She is always the first one to take action in a situation.

All in all, she is the best and I’ve never had another friend like her. 

Carolina, 8º A