Course Information

National 3/4 Science

Why take this course?

Science is vital to everyday life and allows us to understand and shape the world in which we live and influence its future. Scientists play a key role in meeting society’s needs in areas such as medicine, energy, industry, material development, the environment and sustainability. It is important that everyone has an informed view of science.

The purpose of the course is to develop learners’ curiosity, interest and enthusiasm for science in a range of contexts. The key skills of scientific inquiry and investigation are integrated and developed throughout the course.

What will I learn?

The National 3 and 4 Science courses are divided into 3 units:

Fragile Earth

Learners will focus on two choices from the following four:

  • energy

  • metal

  • water

  • food

They will investigate these resources through activities related to their source, origin, production and/or extraction. Uses and benefits will be explored. Conflicts and also possible local or national, solutions will be identified. Learners will gain knowledge of how science is involved in environmental issues.

Human Health

In this Unit, learners will develop their scientific skills and carry out practical and other learning activities related to the investigation of human health. Learners will develop an understanding of factors which contribute to a healthy lifestyle, through a personal, community based and global approach. Learners cover procedures to measure physical fitness, investigate mental/social health issues and research media reports of national/international health areas.

Applications of Science

In this Unit, learners will develop their scientific skills and carry out practical and other learning activities related to the investigation of the applications of science. Learners will explore science’s contribution to communication technologies and the impact that these have had on society/environment. They will also research the production and use of new materials and how science helps the understanding of risk and how it can be reduced in modern life.

The aims of this course are to enable learners to:

  • develop basic knowledge and understanding of science

  • develop an understanding of science’s role in scientific issues and relevant

  • applications of science in society and the environment

  • develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills

  • develop scientific analytical thinking skills in a science context

  • develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical

  • scientific activities

  • develop problem solving skills in a science context

  • use scientific literacy in everyday contexts

  • establish the foundation for more advanced learning in science

How will I be assessed?

Each unit will be assessed internally. A pass in each of the three units is required to achieve an overall award at National 3 level. To achieve an overall award at National 4 level, pupils will also have to complete an Added Value Unit (Assignment) to the required standard.