Educational Visits

P7 Visit

As part of their transition days, pupils from Greenbrae Primary School got to visit the Art and Design department and work with clay! They drew woodland creatures then worked with Mrs Potter and Mrs Richardson to create bobble head clay models. Once these have been fired, the P7's will get to paint their creations back at Greenbrae. We can't wait to see the results!

Practical Woodwork Masterclass - AJC Homes

The Practical Woodworkers were visited by our Business Partners AJC Homes. The Director, his apprentice and the marketing team came along to deliver a skill builder masterclass on joint making and discuss what it takes to be a joinery apprentice. We looked at the process of building handcrafted products from working drawings through to completion in real clients' homes. 

Higher Art & Design - BoConcept 

Some lucky Higher pupils were invited to a workshop with BoConcept - a Danish interior design company that has a base in Sterling Furniture Store.  The pupils took part in a discussion about careers in the design industry and got to put together mood boards based on their own concepts for interior designs. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed themselves and plan to use their mood boards to aid their design projects later on in the year!