Oldmachar Academy
Art, Design & Technology

Welcome to the new Oldmachar Academy Art, Design & Technology Gallery. Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through each year group and subject, or just have a look at our latest achievements below!

Remember, you can check out your own child's work through their digital portfolio at any time. These are accessible through Google Classroom.

Achievements - February

Thea - S1

Tonal perfume bottle

Zofia - 2F

'Year of the Dragon' Clay Eyes

Chloe - 2G

'Year of the Dragon' Clay Eyes

Connor - 2G

'Year of the Dragon' Clay Eyes

Sarah - 2G

'Year of the Dragon' Clay Eyes

Misha - 3D

Paint & Ink Bonsai Tree

Peter - 3H

Paint & Ink Bonsai Tree