Oldmachar Academy
Art, Design & Technology

Welcome to the new Oldmachar Academy Art, Design & Technology Gallery. Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through each year group and subject, or just have a look at our latest achievements below!

Remember, you can check out your own child's work through their digital portfolio at any time. These are accessible through Google Classroom.

ADT Calendar 2024-25

The ADT Calendar will have examples of pupil work from all year groups at Oldmachar Academy, from Higher Art and Design to S1 Practical Woodwork. The money raised from the sales of this calendar will go towards buying new equipment so we can further improve our learner's experiences in the Faculty.

If you would like to purchase one of our fantastic calendars for £6, please fill in your details using the link below and choose whichever method of payment you would prefer. We will be making the calendars to order and will contact you once your calendar is ready to be collected from the school.


You can see a couple of the prototype pages below: