The School Day 

Timings of The School Day

School starts at 9.00am and the children are collected by their teacher from either the area outside the classroom or from the front door if the children get school transport to school.

At 10.30am there is a 15 minute break, the children have the opportunity to eat their snack and play outside.

Lunchtime is 12.15pm, the children are taken to the dining room to eat their school lunch or their packed lunch. The children then have chance to play outside until 1.15pm.

The school day finishes at 3.15pm, you should pick up your child from the playground, in the same area you dropped them off, or, if your child has been allocated school transport, they will be taken home and you will collect them from the mini-bus. No child will be released from school care until the parent is seen by the child and the staff member with him/her.                                      

Appointments and Absences

If your child is late or absent and you have not alerted us, this will be recorded in our system and an automated text will be sent to you to find the whereabouts of your child. If your child is going to be absent, please telephone or text the school office and this information will be recorded. 

If possible, please make medical and dental appointments outwith school hours.

Breakfast/After School Care

There are two Breakfast and After School Clubs based at or near Mile End School:

Mile End Out Of School Club (MOOSC) is based in the community wing of the school. Contact: 01224 498130

SCAMPS will drop off and pick up at school, they walk the children to and from school and are based at the Scout Hut on Oakhill Crescent Lane. Information can be found at   email is: 


Our morning break (or playtime) is at 10.30am for 15 minutes and the children have the opportunity to go outside and play with their friends in our very large and well equipped playground.  It is common for the Primary Ones to find our playground a little overwhelming to begin with because of the size and the number of children within it.  The playground is very well manned by our fantastic support staff.


In our mainstream classes we ask that the children are supplied with a small snack to eat during the 15 minute break, something that is easy to open and eat.  We would ask that you do not give your children nuts or snack containing nuts as we have several children in school with severe nut allergies.

In our supported classes (ASN) snack is bought and prepared in class, with the children helping as appropriate, the children eat their snack as a class together to promote health and well being and to work on communication skills.


We have a large dining room and servery system at school and all the school meals are cooked on site.  The menu is a 3 weekly rotation and usually lasts 1-2 terms, depending on the length of the terms.  When your child starts school you will be asked to fill in an allergy/dietary requirements sheet for your child.  This information is put into the school meal system.  Your child will also be issued with a smart card that they will use if a school dinner is required.  When the child's card is scanned in the morning and the food choices displayed in the classroom, nothing will be shown that your child is allergic to or not allowed to eat so mistakes are not made.  Your child then chooses a meal for lunch. Your child's card is scanned again in the dining room and the lunch is plated for him/her and placed on their tray.


If your child is taking a packed lunch to school, please ensure their lunchbox is clearly labelled on the OUTSIDE of the box/bag with your child's name and room number.

When the packed lunch comes in, it will be put on a trolley and the trolleys are then taken through to the dining room where they are stored until lunchtime. Please note, packed lunches are not refrigerated between 9.00am and lunchtime at 12.15pm .

After the children finish their lunch they are free to go into the playground and play until the bell rings at 1.15pm.

We also expect children to take their empty plates and trays to an area at the side of the dining room, the children will put excess food in the food bin, cutlery in the cutlery buckets and stack the plates and trays on a trolley.