School Meals

School Meals

School meals are available daily. They are prepared at the Abbotswell kitchen premises and transported to Kirkhill.

School Meal Menu

A monthly menu is issued to learners to allow them to see what is on offer. There are usually two main course choices with a selection of vegetables and either soup or a sweet.

A buffet menu with sandwiches and cold condiments is available on some days please check your menu. Milk and fruit juice are for sale and water is always available. Smiley faces and a colour coding system allow learners to select a balanced choice of meals over a week.

Free School Meals

Parents who receive Child Tax Credit where no award of Working Tax Credit has been made and your annual income is less that £15860.00 or Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit with an income under £6420.00, are strongly encouraged to take up their free school meal entitlement. Forms are readily available from the school office and are non time consuming to complete. You must take along proof of your eligibility to school. It’s your entitlement. Please use it.

Summer menu can be found on Aberdeen City Council website: