Kirkhill Primary School
Welcome to Kirkhill School
At Kirkhill we strongly believe in everyone - staff, learners, parents/carers and members of the community working together in partnership. We try to ensure that our children are happy at school and meet with both challenge and success throughout their time at Kirkhill. Each P7 pupil should leave Kirkhill with a sense of achievement, success and positive memories. They also should have been afforded a range of opportunities to attain national levels to the best of their ability.
We strongly believe parents/carers working in partnership with the school make a real difference to their child’s learning. Let’s work together to make that difference.
If you have any concerns or queries please contact me via the school office.
Miss Walker
Head Teacher
Where We Are!

Our contact details are as follows:
School Email:
School phone number: 01224 874439
Follow us on twitter: @Kirkhill_School
You can also access help and information from the Aberdeen City Helpline: 01224 523322