Anti Bullying Statement
Bramble Brae Anti Bullying Parent Policy March 2025
Bramble Brae School
Parents and Carers Anti-Bullying Statement
At Bramble Brae School we have a six-step approach towards bullying:
Step 1: Preventing
We prevent bullying through the culture, ethos and SHINE values of our school. Our curriculum equips pupils with the knowledge and skills to challenge attitudes and behaviours which cause bullying.
Step 2: Reporting
We have an agreed whole school system for pupils, staff and parents to report concerns of bullying. Report any concerns of bullying using the online Google form or directly contact the Head Teacher, Principal Teacher or Class Teacher.
Step 3: Recording
We record all reported incidents of bullying electronically in line with national guidance
Step 4: Investigating
We will carry out a thorough investigation of all alleged, observed or reported bullying incidents. Parents and carers will be informed of the outcome of the investigation.
Step 5: Responding
We will support the young person experiencing bullying. They will be listened to, taken seriously and reassured that the bullying taking place is not their fault. The child/children displaying bullying behaviours will be supported to repair the relationships affected by their actions.
Step 6: Monitoring
We will monitor and track whole school data on bullying incidents. This will help us to identify trends, specific issues around equality and diversity and other relevant patterns that may help us prevent and respond to bullying incidents.
Please Do:
Look out for any changes in your child’s behaviour which may indicate they are either experiencing bullying or displaying bullying behaviour towards others
Encourage and empower them to speak to a trusted adult if they have any concerns around bullying
Report any concerns of bullying directly to the school using either the parent/carer bullying concern Google form or phone the school and ask to speak to the Class Teacher, Principal Teacher or Head Teacher- if we don’t know about it, we can’t deal with it.
Help your child to understand the difference between normal everyday conflict/friendship disagreements and bullying
Please Don’t:
Post concerns of bullying on social media
Directly contact parents of children involved in bullying concerns
Approach/contact members of the Parent Council with bullying concerns
Encourage your child to respond with violence if they are experiencing bullying
Further resources, support and guidance around bullying can be found at:
February 2025