Drawing Conclusions

Line of inquiry 1 questions answered

    1. What are the potentials of energy? (function, form)

Clean energy has many potentials, the first one is that it is renewable and is not harmful for our environment at all (Union of Concerned Scientists). It is environmentally friendly. Also not only is it not harmful, but can be the thing to prevent global warming and many public health problems. With unclean energy, global warming comes up because unclean energy produces carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide makes the world warmer which starts global warming, and also creates air pollution, which can lead to lung and heart problems. (US EPA)

For electrical energy (unclean energy) it works fast and you can always rely on it. Though it is very harmful for our environment and is part of global warming and health problems. (Low-Tech Magazine)

    1. How and why do we need energy? (Causation, responsibility, function)

We need energy in our daily lives to help us with daily tasks, we need clean energy the most because With clean energy worldwide problems like global warming and public health problems can start decreasing. (Sustainable Development Fund and United Nations) With unclean energy, global warming comes up because unclean energy produces carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide makes the world warmer which starts global warming, and also creates air pollution, which can lead to lung and heart problems. Electrical energy is not needed when there are multiple renewable energy sources to choose from. Though of course this has to do with people’s perspective. (United Nations)

    1. What are the potentials of different types of energy? (Function, form)

Different types of energy can do different things. It can’t always be converted, however there’s always a way to convert one energy type into another. Like you can’t use electricity to power a jet engine, you have to use kinetic energy to push the air onto the wing, and you can’t use heat energy to charge an iPad. Solar energy is very hard to obtain, as it requires fossil fuels to build and transport large panels. Hydro energy is good, however it is not always fast and when the current direction changes, the machine might malfunction. (Sustainable Development Fund, United Nations)

    1. How is one source of energy better than others? (perspective, function, causation)

The pros and cons of different sources are a matter of perspective, however there are some things that make different sources objectively better. Most of us can agree that fossil fuels are the worst for the environment, but they’re also the most reliable source of energy. That would be about equal to solar energy, which is the opposite. But solar energy is better because it has the potential for reliability, and the concept of fossil fuels can’t be good for the environment. But solar energy might not work when there’s no sunlight. Wind energy is pretty reliable because there is almost always wind and when there isn’t, it can still work from the power it has. (Sustainable Development Fund, Sciencing)

    1. What are some situations when you don’t need to use energy? (Causation, function, responsibility, perspective)

We don’t need to use clean energy when there isn’t enough energy to share with everyone, and in that case it’s best not to use clean energy. We also don’t need to use clean energy when it is so hard to use and it is not reliable. (United Nations, Sustainable Development Fund)

Line of inquiry 2 questions answered

    1. How does the use of energy affect the environment? (connection, causation)

The use of energy does affect the environment. If we use the wrong energy sources, it can cause air and water pollution. If we are responsible with our energy source choices, we could help the environment. (Alliance to Save Energy)

    1. Why do we need to consider alternative energy sources? (responsibility, connection)

We need to consider alternative energy sources because all energy sources aren’t very reliable. Fossil fuels are very reliable, but they really harm the environment. All renewable sources are unreliable and only work sometimes. (ASE)

    1. How does the situation affect energy use? (connection, causation)

The big situation (corona) has affected global warming and clean energy in a good way. With corona as a big threatening situation many tend to stay inside. When staying inside less fossil fuels are being used because harmful transportation is not being used and not many can breath the pollution from inside their houses. Oil and electricity factories or companies are falling due to corona. This is not the best thing because people do lose their jobs. Though with none of those companies standing there is a lower chance of unclean energy. (Harder, Amy)

    1. How does energy use affect the economy? (connection, causation, form)

Unclean energy is really bad for the environment and affects the economy by polluting the air and helping global warming grow. This is because for unclean energy, people burn fossil fuels and make electricity. When burning fossil fuels, people produce lots of Carbon Dioxide. For clean energy, the first thing is that it is renewable and is not harmful for our environment at all. It is environmentally friendly. Also not only is it not harmful, but it affects our economy by saving the planet from global warming and health problems. (Pierre, James)

    1. How do different energy sources affect things differently? (connection,causation)

Different energy sources are very different. Fossil fuels affect the environment by causing the air to become polluted. Hydro energy machines might kill creatures living under water, and wind energy minimally affects the environment. Solar energy is the same. The cost of the source might affect whether or not people want to buy it. Reliability of the source affects people’s decision too. Causing power outages might be the reason that people don’t use it. (Energy News 24, United Nations)

Line of inquiry 3 questions answered

    1. How can perspectives change the usage of energy? (perspective, change, form)

Perspectives can change energy use. If people view the environment as important and see energy use as affecting the environment, they will probably be more conscious about their usage of energy and will probably use a better source. If people don’t think that energy use has a significant effect on the environment, they probably won’t understand why we need to use cleaner energy and won’t change. It could also be some other cause, like cost. If the cost of cleaner energy sources drops, then people, especially those in poverty, will have a better chance of using it. (Sustainable Development Fund, United Nations, Energy News 24)

    1. What are the different points of view about energy and how do they change? (form, perspective, change)

There can be many points of view. One point of view is that the environment is important and should be valued, cared for, and protected. Even if somebody thinks that, they may not always realize how much clean energy is affecting their environment. Another point of view could be that newer and cleaner energy sources are too expensive and are unreliable. Once the cost changes, that point of view could too. Points of view will change when they realize something about how energy affects the environment or something happens to make clean energy a better option. (United Nations, Sustainable Development Fund)

    1. In what times would people not need energy and they think they do? (responsibility, perspective)

People think they need energy for almost everything, but we don’t need energy to charge our computers when they are already charged. We also don’t need to leave the lights on when we are not in the room. (Alliance to Save Energy, United Nations)

    1. Will weather affect energy usage and how? (form, causation, connection, perspective)

Unclean energy is really bad for the environment and affects the economy by polluting the air and helping global warming grow. This is because for unclean energy, people burn fossil fuels and make electricity. When burning fossil fuels, people produce lots of Carbon Dioxide. For clean energy, the first thing is that it is renewable and is not harmful for our environment at all. It is environmentally friendly. Also not only is it not harmful, but it affects our economy by saving the planet from global warming and health problems. (Union of Concerned Scientists, Sustainable Development Fund, United Nations)

    1. In what situations would people use a different energy source? (change, causation, perspective)

Different energy sources are very different. Fossil fuels affect the environment by causing the air to become polluted. Hydro energy machines might kill creatures living under water, and wind energy minimally affects the environment. Solar energy is the same. The cost of the source might affect whether or not people want to buy it. Reliability of the source affects people’s decision too. Causing power outages might be the reason that people don’t use it. (McCandless,David, Union of Concerned Scientists)

Line of Inquiry Feature Articles

LoI 1 -By Alex

According to UCS, clean energy has many potentials, the first one is that it is renewable and is not harmful for our environment at all. It is environmentally friendly. According to US EPA, clean energy is not harmful, but can be the thing to prevent global warming and many public health problems. With unclean energy, global warming comes up because unclean energy produces carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide makes the world warmer which starts global warming, and also creates air pollution, which can lead to lung and heart problems.

According to the UN, we need energy in our daily lives to help us with daily tasks, we need clean energy the most because With clean energy worldwide problems like global warming and public health problems can start decreasing. With unclean energy, global warming comes up because unclean energy produces carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide makes the world warmer which starts global warming, and also creates air pollution, which can lead to lung and heart problems. Electrical energy is not needed when there are multiple renewable energy sources to choose from. Though of course this has to do with people’s perspective.

The pros and cons of different sources are a matter of perspective, however there are some things that make different sources objectively better. Most of us can agree that fossil fuels are the worst for the environment, but they’re also the most reliable source of energy. That would be about equal to solar energy, which is the opposite. But solar energy is better because it has the potential for reliability, and the concept of fossil fuels can’t be good for the environment. But solar energy might not work when there’s no sunlight. Wind energy is pretty reliable because there is almost always wind and when there isn’t, it can still work from the power it has.

We don’t need to use clean energy when there isn’t enough energy to share with everyone, and in that case it’s best not to use clean energy. We also don’t need to use clean energy when it is so hard to use and it is not reliable.

LoI 2 - By Sanaya


(Our 2nd Line of Inquiry)

By: Sanaya Bhattacharjee

This article is based on our second line of inquiry, An inquiry into the links between clean energy and other issues. With this line of inquiry we find out how clean energy is connected with other issues, and what the connection is. We have done a lot of research on this line of inquiry, and have answered several questions that are related to it. This article will tell you about our questions for this unit of inquiry, and our answers.

Our first question: How does the use of energy affect the environment?

We did a lot of research to answer this one, and renewable energy is very good for the planet.We found out that if people used non-renewable energy, they are pretty much burning fossil fuels, when they burn the fossil fuels it makes it possible to make electricity. Though when they burn these fossil fuels they are releasing Carbon Dioxide, Carbon dioxide is the gas that keeps our world warm because it works with the greenhouse effect. Though too much of this energy is bad because it makes the planet too hot, leading to global warming. Also with so much Carbon Dioxide in the air people breath in, it can cause many health problems. Renewable energy affects the environment in a positive way, though not many people find it reliable. Renewable energy harnesses natures energy such as the sun's light, the wind, and water and then turns it into electricity. Renewable energy does not create more air pollution and global warming because it does not involve burning anything and creating Carbon Dioxide. It gives out electricity without the need of fossil fuels, anyway fossil fuels are likely to run out in a couple of years, though renewable energy is just like it’s name, it is renewable so that source is not likely going to run out. So renewable energy has a positive effect on the environment, and non-renewable energy has a negative effect on the environment.

Our second question: Why do we need to consider alternative energy sources?

We need to consider a different energy source, because the most common one, non-renewable energy, has a very bad effect on the environment. Did you know that non-renewable energy is from fossil fuels? Also did you know that it takes millions of years to form fossils, just like the name fossil fuels, people are literally burning the fossils. You can only get lots of fossils, once in millions of years, when we run out of fossils what will we use? Of course people would have to move on to a new type of energy, which would probably be renewable energy. Though they might not be comfortable with this idea. Also since non-renewable energy makes global warming, by the time all the fossils are used up, the world could become really polluted. This would make it near impossible to live on earth. Renewable energy needs to be used now because there is a high chance that it is just the thing to help bring our planet back to its original healthy state.

Our third question: How does the situation affect energy use?

The Coronavirus has forced many people to take extra precautions and along staying indoors, borders are closing country by country and different forms of transportation are shutting down. Fewer people are going to work and many students have taken up distance learning just like us. Since people aren’t physically going to work, flights are being restricted and all major travel is slowing, all the non-renewable energy used for transportation is not being used frequently compared to the past. With everyone staying indoors, less energy is being used. Some oil and coal companies are shutting down , and some are even collapsing. This may not be good for humanity, but it is good for the planet. Now that more people don’t use so much non-renewable energy, the world has a higher chance than before to heal.

Our fourth question: How does energy use affect the economy?

If the energy is non-renewable energy, it is really bad for the environment and affects the economy by polluting the air and helping global warming grow. This is because for non-renewable energy, people burn fossil fuels and make electricity. When burning fossil fuels, people produce lots of Carbon Dioxide, all this gas also causes health problems . For clean energy, the first thing is that it is renewable and is not harmful for our environment at all. It is environmentally friendly. Also not only is it not harmful, but it affects our economy by saving the planet from global warming and health problems. Renewable energy also uses natural resources to make electricity, while letting that resource be used over and over again.

Our fifth question: How do different energy sources affect things differently?

Different sources do affect things differently. Non-renewable energy affects the world by releasing Carbon Dioxide, creating more global warming and health problems. Solar energy can be great to get immediate access to electricity, though it is not always sunny, and you can't always rely on the battery pack. For Wind energy, it is more reliable, though some birds get affected and die because they have hit a turbine, though this does not happen quite often. For hydro energy, the turbines may kill some fish, though scientists have improved the structure and places where the turbines are put so that this won’t happen. Though the water current could make the turbine malfunction. For Geothermal energy, there won’t always be that much hot water under the ground, and during the process critters can die.

LoI 3- By Alex

Perspectives can change energy use. If people view the environment as important and see energy use as affecting the environment, they will probably be more conscious about their usage of energy and will probably use a better source. If people don’t think that energy use has a significant effect on the environment, they probably won’t understand why we need to use cleaner energy and won’t change. It could also be some other cause, like cost. If the cost of cleaner energy sources drops, then people, especially those in poverty, will have a better chance of using it.

There can be many points of view. One point of view is that the environment is important and should be valued, cared for, and protected. Even if somebody thinks that, they may not always realize how much clean energy is affecting their environment. Another point of view could be that newer and cleaner energy sources are too expensive and are unreliable. Once the cost changes, that point of view could too. Points of view will change when they realize something about how energy affects the environment or something happens to make clean energy a better option.

According to the alliance to save energy, People think they need energy for almost everything, but we don’t need energy to charge our computers when they are already charged. We also don’t need to leave the lights on when we are not in the room. This will help with using better energy.

Unclean energy is really bad for the environment and affects the economy by polluting the air and helping global warming grow. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, this is because for unclean energy, people burn fossil fuels and make electricity. When burning fossil fuels, people produce lots of Carbon Dioxide. For clean energy, the first thing is that it is renewable and is not harmful for our environment at all. It is environmentally friendly. Also not only is it not harmful, but it affects our economy by saving the planet from global warming and health problems.

According to Information is Beautiful by David McCandless, different energy sources are very different. Fossil fuels affect the environment by causing the air to become polluted. Hydro energy machines might kill creatures living under water, and wind energy minimally affects the environment. Solar energy is the same. The cost of the source might affect whether or not people want to buy it. Reliability of the source affects people’s decision too. Causing power outages might be the reason that people don’t use it.