Adult Self-Care

Take care of you, too

Teachers, Parents and Guardians are experiencing as much (and often more) stress as children with this crisis, with the difficulties of trying to balance childcare, work, financial hardships and just the general anxiety around the coronavirus.

Of course many adults are feeling overwhelming, anxious, lonely and stressed out too. As hard as it may be in a new normal where you may be caring for your kids, while also working full time on top of any other responsibilities, try and carve out some time, no matter how small, to tend to your own mental health. Whether that means connecting digitally with friends, going for a walk by yourself or using a fitness or meditation app, include self-care time in your new routine, when possible. Up top is a great resource from the U of M TRAILS program. If you read one thing on this page, read this one. Below are a few other useful tools and resources.