A2 STEAM Ultimate Frisbee

If you join the Ultimate Frisbee Club, you will learn how to play the fast-paced game of ultimate! This sport, a unique combination of soccer, basketball and football, is played on a field and only requires your energy, a few cones, some cleats and a plastic disc. Join if you want to get some great exercise and learn a fast-growing sport!

We need to have 15 players minimum by Friday, April 17, 5:00pm to run the club.

When & Where?

Tuesdays & Fridays 3:30-5:00pm - Fields behind A2 STEAM

Season 5 (April 21-May 29); NO PRACTICE May 5 OR May 22

See Practice Calendar here

Culminating Tournament: TBD (Possibly May 30 from 10-2)

What in the World is Ultimate Frisbee?

Never seen ultimate in action? Here are some videos to see the game in action at a high level of play:

Student Responsibilities

As athletes, students have the Number 1 role in shaping their ultimate experience. Here are my expectations as coach. Students will:

Can't wait to get started?!

Make sure you have the right kind of disc first!

Students do not need to come to practice with their own frisbee. However, if you are purchasing one, look for the official Discraft disc that is 175g. They run $8-$10. Students should write their name in Sharpie on the back of the disc so it does not get misplaced.