Cold Water Survival

>Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a dangerous low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 98.6 F. Hypothermia can occur when your body temperature falls below 95.0 F.

>1-10-1 is a guideline of the time you may have to survive or die in cold water.

>1 Minute to slow your breathing and stay calm. Your body's natural reaction is to gasp for air. Slow down and catch your breath. At this point if you inhale water, this could cause you to drown first.

>10 Minutes to get somewhere warm. Symptoms of hypothermia at this point is confusion, shivering, numbness.

>1 Hour or Less before your body starts to shut down and you die from hypothermia. Symptoms at this point maybe a false sense of warmth, unconsciousness and death.