Canvas LMS


This site will provide access to Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) resources and documentation as AACPS transitions from Brightspace to Canvas.

Be LMS Ready! Transitioning Brightspace to Canvas 

Brightspace to Canvas Transition - Export Brightspace course package for Canvas Import

Pro Tip: Export and store all Brightspace content before summer break.

Export Media Library Files 

Export WeVideo Files

Embed Video YouTube LTI

Help and How-Tos

Visit the Help Menu in Canvas for additional resources and support.

Search the Canvas Guides - Find answers to common questions

Ask your School eCoach Champion - Locate a dedicated support person on this list

Chat with Canvas Support - Chat live or call! +1 (877) 385-5145

AACPS My Support Portal - Request application access, technical, & functional support

Ask the Canvas Community - Get help from a Canvas expert

Stand-alone Course (Non-SIS) Request Form

Request an additional stand-alone course for Sandbox courses, Home-Hospital instruction, clubs, sports, collaborative courses, etc. 

Request a stand-alone Professional Learning Master for development of a Unified Talent-Professional Learning course.

❗Once approved, the course will be created and will be available on your Canvas dashboard or Course List.

❗The stand-alone course will be managed by the requestor, and will not be scheduled or rostered in PowerSchool, our Student Information System (SIS).