
The K12 Yarmouth Technology Committee meets monthly to address the continuous development of technology-based learning in the district. This Committee consists of the following people:

As needed these meetings include the Director of Instructional Support, the Administrative Team, the Business Manager, Yarmouth Community Services Director or any other district personnel who should have input on technology-related planning and decision making or presentations to the School Committee. Parents and students are surveyed about our technology usage and that process is managed at each school or grade level. A larger group of stakeholders is occasionally convened as a Community Visioning Group.

Community involvement in the schools is highly valued and as such we pursue opportunities to bring community members into our schools and create times when students can connect to real world settings. Some examples of that are the many technology related grants that have been sponsored by the Yarmouth Education Foundation and the participation by all of our schools in the December 2013 Hour of Code.