Data Administrator

The Database Administrator utilizes strong interpersonal communication and organizational skills; working knowledge of standard database technologies and their use in reporting; works collaboratively with others designing, evaluating and executing data reports; supports staff in use of technology systems; learns technological solutions as they become available.

Database Administrator

The Database Administrator will:

    • Work with administrators, instructional technology integrators, the network administrator to design database systems.

    • Provides assistance in all areas of student information, developing reports, charts, registration and scheduling, customizations, communication, creating and maintaining analytical tools.

    • Provides support to all school-based personnel in the use of the computerized student information management system (PowerSchool), handle complex system errors or malfunctions, and provides expertise in non-routine situations.

    • Manage the student information system (PowerSchool) Including but not limited to system updates, backups, customizations, state reporting configuration, and implementing new features.

    • Stay current with changing technologies.

    • Support Administrators with software (PowerSchool, Surveys, AESOP, PowerAnnouncements, etc.) and devices such as laptops and iPhones.

    • Maintain data exchange between systems such as PSC (Food Services), Schedule Star(Athletics), transportation, Alexandria (Library), etc.

    • Provides system training and support to PowerSchool users.

    • Assist Network Administrator by providing some trouble shooting, hardware and software setup

    • Complete other tasks and responsibilities as designated by Superintendent of Schools.

    • Setup and maintain PowerAnnouncements, as well as train staff on the use of PowerAnnouncements.

The Database Administrator reports to the Superintendent of Schools.