Past Continuous

Past Continuous 


Subject +To be (in past) + Verb-ing + Complement

She was reading a book. (Ella estava llegint un llibre)

He was playing football.  

They were writing a letter.


Subject + To be (in past) + Not + Verb-ing + Complement

*Write "not" after "to be".

She was reading a book.   - - - -  She was not reading a book. / She wasn´t reading a book.

He was playing football.  - - - -  He was not playing football / He wasn´t playing football.

They were writing a letter - - - - They were not writing a letter / They weren´t writing a letter.


To be (in past) + Subject + Verb-ing + Complement

She was reading a book.   - - - -  Was she reading a book?

He was playing football. - - - - Was he playing football?

They were writing a letter - - - - Were they writing a letter?