Going to...   as a future

Going to ...     as a future.


Subject +To be + Going + Verb + Complement

*Write"to be" after the subject.


She is going to read a book. (Ella llegirà un llibre)

He is going to play football.  

They are going to write a letter.


Subject + To be + Not + Going + Verb + Complement

*Write "not" after "to be".

She is going to read a book.   - - - -  She is not going to read a book. / She isn´t going to read a book.

He is going to play football.  - - - -  He is not going to play football / He isn´t going to play football.

They are going to write a letter - - - - They are not going to write a letter / They aren´t going to write a letter.


* Write "to be" at the beginning of the question.

To be + Subject + Going + Verb + Complement

She is going to read a book.   - - - -  Is she going to read a book?

He is going to play football. - - - - Is he going to play football?

They are going to write a letter - - - - Are they going to write a letter?

When to use going to... as a future or present continuous