Describing an animal

When you describe an animal, you have to follow these steps.

Step 1- " IT IS..."

What animal is it? What kind of animal is it?  It is a lion. It´s a mammal.

Step 2-  "IT LIVES..."

Where does it live?  It lives in the Savanah


Talk about its body.  Its body is covered with fur.

Step 4- "IT HAS GOT..."

Some features.   It has got sharp teeth.

Step 5- "IT EATS..."

Say if this animal is carnivore, hervivore...  It eats meat.

Step 6- "IT CAN..."

Write about interesting things. It can run very fast.


It is a crocodile. It is a reptile

It lives in the savanah. 

Its body is covered with scales.

It has got very sharp teeth, big claws, short legs and a long tail.

It eats other big animals such as zebras. So it is carnivore

It can run and swim very fast. It is really dangerous. If you find one of these animals, it can eat you.

Here you have some descriptions:

Example n. 1

I like lots of animals, so it is difficult to choose just one.  However, I think my favourite animal is the Warthog.  Warthogs live in Africa, they are a sort of wild pig.  They get their name because they have four fleshy bumps on their faces, which look a bit like warts.  These are part of the defence mechanism for males when they fight.  Some people think warthogs are ugly, but I think they are lovely, they have great character.

I was lucky enough to spend some time volunteering at a property in South Africa.  At the property, there were three young warthogs which had been orphaned after their mother was poached – killed for food.   The baby warthogs were therefore hand-reared.  When they were old enough, they were set free to run around in the wild.  However, because they were so used to people they preferred to stay nearby. 

These three warthogs were very friendly, intelligent and loved to play.  They also like to follow their leader.  In the wild, baby warthogs will run after their mothers, these three young hogs used to follow us. They would run after us even if we were in a vehicle or on a horse – once they even tried to follow the landowner when he took off in his helicopter!  The pigs (as we started to call them) loved to be scratched and cuddled, they were very affectionate.  They were also very nosy, whatever we did, they wanted to be with us!

I love warthogs, they are energetic, loyal, and funny and I think they are beautiful too.  Though I do understand the saying ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder!’

[ Written by - Lucy Marris | Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam) ]

Fun Animal Facts for Kids

National Geographic for kids


Which animal is this ?