1913 WHS Basketball team

Text about basketball team from the 1912/1913 Yearbook


It is needless to speak of the importance of the game of basket ball. Almost every school in the state, yes, in the United States, we may be safe in saying, has discovered its merits. Basket ball is by no means confined to the high school, but is very prominent in the colleges and universities. And the fact that it is the only game that can be played with satisfaction throughout the winter season, does not add or detract from its merits, but increasing interest is shown every year. More people are becoming familiar with the game than ever before. Many churches and Sunday schools in the past year have taken great interest, and are now playing by the schedule and touring the state the same as colleges and universities.

And so it is with basket ball in W. H. S. The pupils and teachers have long known its merits, and are no less enthusiastic than those institutions which have just been mentioned.

Yet, owing to the soccer schedule, the school did not have an opportunity to begin the game as early as was desired. The first part of the year was not a successful one from the standpoint of winning. However, during the latter part of the season, the boys forged to the front, making an excellent showing.

The prospect for the coming year is excellent, as only two of the players will be out, and as there will be a large number to select from. The following record was made during the season of 1912-13:

The 1913/1914 WHS basket ball team won all eight of their games as reported in this clip from the Indianapolis Star 07 Dec 1913, Page 47