Tutoring & After School Resources

Other After School Academic Opportunities.....


Tutoring Resources....

***The following list of tutors is offered for your information. The Wachusett School District does not endorse any particular tutor, this is merely for your convenience***

From Next Level Up Tutoring:

As you know, children and teens all have different academic strengths and weaknesses and don't just need extra help before a test - they greatly benefit from a weekly, one-on-one session with an experienced academic coach/tutor.

It's a perfect time to boost students' confidence and ensure they get off on the right start in 2020 and beyond.

Next Level Up Tutoring (NLU: https://www.nextleveluptutoring.com/) has tutors especially trained in helping children and teens with one-on-one tutoring in a student's home or at their West Boylston Learning Center, which also holds math and writing workshops.

Instead of just a traditional tutoring approach, NLU takes a broader view of the student, assessing the academic coaching pieces that need to be addressed, but are usually overlooked, like organization, time management, study habits, effort, motivation, and perspective.

Interested in learning more so your students can build and maintain math, reading and writing skills? Please contact NLU owner, Todd Blechner at 781-540-1123 or info@nextleveluptutoring.com

Get your students' parents a 10 percent discount on tutoring if you have them mention you heard about NLU from me.

Additionally, Todd is available to speak to teachers/parents about how best to help students who need extra help succeed in school. Let me know if I can set up a seminar for your school.

If you have any questions or if I should contact someone else at your school about NLU, please advise!




<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Tutor list from WRHS


Additionally, a student from WRHS is offering virtual tutoring - please reach out to me if you are interested!