
WPI Winners!!!

Our team earned first and third place at the WPI rocket competition on June 5, 2019!!!

Washington, D.C. Trip with our 8th graders -

June 1st - June 4th

Follow the trip on Instagram: paxton_dc2019

Project from WRHS Juniors!

Paxton Police and the DA are hanging with us...

One of our brave 6th graders is educating the school about Alopecia! Cap Day is March 27th for $1

Click here to see her slideshow!

Homework Zone is looking for participants!!! Please see the Google Form in the Everything Homework tab

March to Graduation 2019 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser....

Was AMAZING!!! So proud of how hard our kids and parents worked and came together! Our budget grew about $2,500, but more importantly, our sense of community grew!!