7th & 8th Grade


We would like to introduce our new staff at PCS:

  • Tara Koziak - New addition to the PCS family in the role of Assistant Principal!


A reminder while you are helping your student get ready for their upcoming assignments - There are many of them that are done online - GET A JUMP BY ASKING YOUR STUDENT TO CREATE A CONSISTENT PLACE FOR USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS THAT YOU AND THEY CAN ACCESS TOGETHER FROM HOME!

Google Classroom is an online medium where students will be required to turn in the majority of their ELA and History assignments. They are walked through their logins at the beginning of the year. Don't wait to see a grade in PowerSchool that you would like more information about to ask your student for their login! Get a jump on the situation by asking your student to log in with you at home and check it out within the first 2 weeks!

Find the instructions HERE

Your 7th/8th Grade Teacher's are asking for you to be ready to Rock and Roll when we get back on April 5th, 2021....

In Person - Supply List.pdf


Open up that accordion folder, binder, and backpack and CLEANSE!!! Get rid of all scrap pieces of paper and put old academic papers in a separate folder tucked away in case you need it later. That way, when we get back you will be organized and not bogged down.