Virtual Neuroradiology Elective

Day 1: CT Anatomy & Search Patterns


  • Explain how CT images are created and be able to recognize "soft tissue" and "bone windows" on CT

  • Be able to explain the risk of a head CT

  • Be able to describe findings on a CT using appropriate terminology

  • Identify brain and skull CT anatomy in the axial plane.

  • Navigate basics of image manipulation using a PACS simulated environment


Day 2: MRI Technique & Anatomy


  • Recognize the differences between CT and MR scans of the brain.

  • Identify the basic sequences on MRI (T1, T2, FLAIR, DWI and T1 post contrast)

  • Be able to describe findings on an MRI using appropriate terminology

  • Identify anatomic structures on a brain MRI


Day 3: Intracranial Hemorrhage


  • Recognize hemorrhage in different locations: Intraparenchymal, Subdural, Epidural, Subarachnoid

  • List the underlying cause of intracranial hemorrhage in different locations

  • Understand clinical/treatment implications of intracranial hemorrhage seen in different locations


Day 4: Stroke


  • Recognize Cytotoxic Edema on CT and MRI

  • Understand the imaging appearance of stroke on CT and MRI in hyperacute, acute, subacute and chronic situations.

  • Devise an imaging algorithm for patients presenting with an acute stroke

  • Draw the vascular supply/vascular territories of the brain


Day 5: Ring Enhancing Lesions/Altered Mental Status


  • Appropriately localize an intracranial mass.

  • Recognize Vasogenic Edema on CT and MRI. Distinguish Cytotoxic from Vasogenic Edema

  • Generate a differential diagnosis of a ring enhancing lesion based on the imaging features and presentation

  • Understand the treatment implications of tumors in different locations.

  • Identify expected imaging features of herpes encephalitis.
