
Introduction to Neuroanatomy

The foundation for understanding radiology is having a solid understanding of anatomy. The central nervous system is composed of both the brain and the spinal cord and its coverings. It is therefore imperative to review both brain and spine anatomy. In the next 2 sections you will find a number of images with labelled anatomic structures.

At the beginning of both sections you will find a list of anatomic structures that you should be able to identify on imaging by the end of the rotation. Use these as a guide to direct your learning.

Additional Resources

There are a number of web based anatomy sites that are useful for scrolling through a series of images. A great website for neuroanatomy is:

Head Neck Brain Spine Anatomy: This is a free website that is great for learning neuroanatomy on imaging. It does require FLASH to operate. There are also a series of cases that are geared for the resident level.