Bad Weather Procedures


Exams will be postponed. Check WIS website for announcements.


Exams proceed as normal unless an announcement to the contrary has been made on the WIS website.

In the event of bad weather, please listen to public announcements on radio or TV and check the front page of the West Island School website for the latest information on our examination sessions. The decision to postpone exams or start them later that day is made centrally by ESF after consultation with the HKEAA. The decision is then communicated to all ESF schools and the school websites are updates as soon as possible. Do not telephone the school. Most likely nobody will be available to answer your call.

Be aware that decisions made regarding public examinations may be different from those affecting the rest of the school and it is essential for you to keep checking the website for the most up-to-date information. Postponed examinations will be rescheduled as soon as possible (the next day available) and may be rescheduled over a weekend or on a public holiday.

Students must be supervised by an adult from the start time of the original scheduled exam. From that time onwards, students should not communicate with anyone via social media, telephone or internet and should refrain from using electronic communication devices. Instead, they should request a responsible adult to supervise them and assist them checking the new start time/date of the delayed exam.

Before leaving home on a day with adverse weather, always check public announcements and the WIS website (public landing page)

(page updated on 08/04/2016)