All About Mrs. Sowinski

Hello, my name is Paula Sowinski.  I was married for eighteen years. My husband passed away unexpectedly in his sleep on June 14th of 2009 from congestive heart failure.  We have two great kids, Katlyn, who just turned 26, is currently starting her first year as a teacher in 5th grade at Gladeville Elementary and my son Zachary, who just turned 23, drives for Southeastern Freight Lines in Nashville, Tennessee.  I have two stepdaughters who are 35 and 36 years old. I have been "mom" to them since they were 4 and 5. They have made me a proud granny FIVE TIMES! It has been a scary road to travel since my husband's death, but with the love and support of my family and friends I have been able to put one foot in front of the other each day. My love and passion for teaching has played a huge part in healing my heart. I truly am blessed to call teaching my profession. THEN…About three years ago my teammates finally pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me start learning to live again. After 10 years of grieving the loss of my husband… and I never thought it was possible ... I found love again. Tom Sowinski and I got married in October of 2020. (oh yes! 50 years old and I tied the knot!! It is NEVER too late when God leads you!) Tom is a driver for Averitt Express in Nashville, Tennessee. He adores my passion for teaching and is very supportive of my profession. I am thrilled to find such love and happiness with him. He is so sweet...he calls it “our classroom”. Last year he would buy things for the treasure box and the kiddos loved it when I said…”Guess who went shopping???.....they would all yell MR. SOWINSKI!!! Oh, he is a keeper for sure and he will love your babies just like I will!  

      I started teaching in November of 2005. Most of my teaching experience has been in 1st grade except a 9-week interim position in 3rd grade and ten years ago I had the great opportunity to “loop” up to 2nd grade with my 1st grade class. I was their teacher for 1st and 2nd grades. It was an awesome experience! Then, I continued teaching 2nd grade for 1 more year with a new class. My principal asked me if I would like to return to 1st grade to teach and I did cartwheels down the hall (not really, but inside I did!! LOL) This year will be my 17th year as a teacher and I still get up every day loving what I get to do each day! 

    I love teaching first grade because I like the idea of starting out young. Children learn 75% of what they know in life by the age of nine! I feel that children, who start out loving to learn, will forever be lifelong learners. I never thought that education was important until I became an adult. I would have liked to have had a teacher to inspire me to love learning in my younger years. My mission for this class is to be that inspiration to EVERY child that I come into contact with.