Classroom Management Plan

     Mrs. Sowinski’s 

Classroom Discipline Plan 


We can all look forward to a very exciting and rewarding school year. My approach to discipline and management creates clear expectations for behavior in which the students fully understand the consequences. The policies strive to develop self-discipline and responsibility. It is equally important to reward students with good behavior in order to draw attention to the correct behavior.

The system will consist of individual charts that are placed at your child’s desk. Each day we will use a different color to mark negative AND positive markings.

Monday = Red

Tuesday = Orange

Wednesday = Blue

Thursday = Purple

Friday = Green

This way you will be able to see what markings were made on which day. The charts will allow your child to document their positive marks, as well as their negative markings.

The Behavior Charts will be marked as follows:

Positive Marks

Negative Marks

Smiley Face- Good Choices

Check mark- Great Work Effort

Star Sticker- Role Model Choices

T- Talking at inappropriate times            

FD- Not following directions                

I- Interrupting

D- Disrespectful

B-Behavior Issues


At the end of each day your child will be asked to add up their positive and negative markings. Our reward system will look like this:

*If your child has more positives than negative they will receive a choice coin to put on their ten frame. When the ten frame is filled they will earn a treat from the choice coin store. (Please see below on how you can help with the store items.)

*If your child has more negative than positive they will NOT receive a choice coin that day. They will also walk 2 laps at recess for each negative marking they receive. They will be encouraged to use this time to reflect on their actions and think of ways in which they can change that behavior the next time.  

I want the children to see that we learn from mistakes. A bad choice might happen but, the goal is to have more positive than negative by the end of the day.

Daily Consequences

I recognize that no one can be expected to follow the rules 100% of the time. When children make mistakes in following the rules, I’ll help them solve the problems caused by their mistakes through the use of “logical consequences”.

Logical consequences are not punishments. They are always to help children see the effects of their actions, repair the situation, and learn to do better next time.

There are three basic kinds of logical consequences:

#1: Take a break-If a child is losing self-control, she/he goes to a designated spot outside the classroom to cool off. The break is short. The child comes back as soon as she/he has regained control.

#2: Loss of privilege-If a child misuses materials or acts out during an activity, she/he will be told to stop using the material or doing the activity for a short period of time. The privilege will be restored when the child and teacher have talked about how to prevent a similar problem in the future.  

#3: "You break it, you fix it”-If a child damages something or hurts another’s feelings, she/he will try to fix the damage. In the case of hurting feelings, the child might offer an apology of action- Ex: writing a card, helping with an activity, making an illustration, or taking some other action beyond verbally saying sorry. In the case of damaging something. Ex: If a child knocks over someone's school box...they will pick up the mess they made.

The charts will come home on Friday in their weekly folder. Please sign the chart each week and return to school.  

Please know that most things can be taken care of by me in the classroom at the time the behavior occurs so no follow up at home is necessary. Discuss the charts at home each week and make a huge deal over the positive markings and discuss ways to do better for the negative markings. If behavior is getting to the point where I need your help from home, then I will personally give you a call, so we can make a plan of action to help your child be successful. 

Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me during my planning period from 7:45AM to 8:35 AM daily . The school’s phone number is 754-1800 and they will put you through to my voicemail. You can also call any other time during the day and leave a message for me to call you back.  

If you are out and about and would like to pick up things for our "choice coin store" it would be VERY appreciated! I will need many donations throughout the school year to replenish the items in the classroom store. If you are willing to donate items, please send items to school with your child with a note saying it is for the store. 

Good places to find classroom store items:

Dollar Tree

Dollar General Store

Target's dollar section

Wal-Mart dollar section

Toy's your child no longer wants (make sure they are willing to give these away...(smile)


I look forward to a fantastic year!


Mrs. Sowinski