Explanation to Parents



The Daily 3 is a way of structuring reading, writing, and math time so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy and math tasks. These research based tasks are the things that will have the biggest impact on student reading and writing achievement, math computation and facts practice, as well as, help foster children who LOVE to read, write, and do math.

During reading and math time students receive explicit whole group instruction in short mini lessons and then are given independent practice time to read, write and practice math independently while I provide focused, intense instruction to individuals and small groups of students.

Each day during independent practice time your child will work on 3 reading daily activities:

Reading: to Self/to Someone/Listening to, Word Work, and Work on Writing

Each day during independent practice time your child will work on 3 math daily activities:

Math by Myself/with Someone, Math Work, and Math Writing

There are very specific behavior expectations that go with each Daily 3 component. We will spend lots of time working intensely on building our reading, writing and math stamina, learning the behaviors of the Daily 3 and fostering our classroom community. I will also spend time learning about your child’s strengths and greatest needs in reading, writing, and math in order to best plan for each student’s instruction.

I anticipate the motivation and enjoyment of reading, writing and math will skyrocket when this gift of choosing their own books, learning to organize their own thoughts on paper and participating in fun math games is accompanied by extended practice and specific reading, writing and math instruction for each individual child.

I hope that this brief introduction to the “The Daily 3” has been helpful. As you can see, I am excited about giving your child the opportunity to be involved in a structure that will have a positive effect on their education.