Emergency Rental Assistance Analysis

Post date: Feb 04, 2021 8:52:34 PM

This is a well-presented analysis of emergency rental assistance programs in the country. Feel free to share it. Tom

Begin forwarded message:

From: Rebecca Yae <ryae@nlihc.org>

Date: February 3, 2021 at 3:27:49 PM EST

To: "tom.e.sheldon@gmail.com" <tom.e.sheldon@gmail.com>

Subject: Thank you for sharing your insights on emergency rental assistance

Dear Tom Sheldon,

Thank you so much for sharing your insights into the considerations and challenges of administering emergency rental assistance. The research team (from National Low Income Housing Coalition, Housing Initiative at Penn, and NYU Furman Center) is so grateful to you.

We wanted to reach back out to share a research brief we released last week, “COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance: Analysis of a National Survey of Programs.” Based on the knowledge you shared, alongside 219 other program administrators, we were able to examine key characteristics of emergency rental assistance programs and their relationship to program challenges and outcomes. Overall, the report provides strong support that program administrators should target resources to lower-income households, create a simple application process, avoid onerous documentation requirements for tenants, be judicious with concessions from landlords, and partner with locally embedded organizations in order to more effectively distribute rental assistance.

Read more at: https://nlihc.org/sites/default/files/HIP_NLIHC_Furman_Brief_FINAL.pdf

Let me know if you have any feedback, comments, or questions. We plan to conduct a follow up survey in several months to better understand how the $25 billion Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program is going and how rental assistance programs continue to adapt and grow.


Rebecca Yae (she/her)

Senior Research Analyst

National Low Income Housing Coalition

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW, Suite 500

Washington, DC 20005