
Post date: Oct 23, 2020 7:41:34 PM

With the significant help of Stephanie Boyd and Nancy Nylen from the COOL Committee, we have continued to try to keep the streetlight project moving. The consultant has identified all of the current locations, and made preliminary recommendations about substitutes in those locations. I expect that there will an opportunity soon for an update and a chance to solicit input about those plans - not quite ready yet in terms of content and format, but know from the last conversation that there is strong interest.

On a more technical backend piece, at some point sooner rather than later, the community will need to acquire the existing lights from National Grid. This will enable us to install test fixtures if we choose to do so. It also sets the table for eventual replacement.

As part of that process, I've started discussing with the Fire District the possibility of the Town taking over the responsibility for streetlights which they have supported. I expect we'll soon be working on an agreement between the Town and the District to accomplish that.