Comments on Status of Police Chief

Post date: Nov 08, 2020 8:30:48 PM

Over the past months, Chief Johnson and I have had many challenging conversations about past conduct in the Police Department. As allegations were made, as well as additional observations were shared with me, I thoroughly reviewed the facts and circumstances, many times involving events that happened prior to my arrival. I had to reconcile what I learned with my understanding of the current situation. Was there terrible and inappropriate behaviors in the past? Yes. Has it been acknowledged and regretted? Yes. Is there any indication that the conditions endure at that same level today? No. In some cases, discipline was delivered at the time. Do I, sitting here today agree with the approach taken then? Not always. Nonetheless, I have come to the important decision to retain Chief Johnson as Williamstown’s Chief of Police.

We recognize that in everything we do, we are always custodians of a fragile trust with the community we serve. It was imperative that we determine whether past failures to use responsible judgment are continuing. Nothing in recent and current practice reveals that there is any culture of white supremacy, overt racism or tendency to being a sexual predator. We all abhor any of those beliefs and continue to be committed to rejecting those behaviors. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, racial discrimination and hostile work environments will not be tolerated within our organization. Accusations will receive immediate attention and investigation and corrective measures, including discipline, will occur.

In our conversations, the Chief quickly and directly acknowledged, accepted and apologized for his own past conduct. In subsequent conversations with the Select Board, the Chief was forthright and genuine and he recognized and reflected on the comments of the community members who feel concern, fear or worse. None of those are taken lightly. On my end and on the Chief’s end, we have both come to realize that our comments and reactions are influenced and limited by our own lived experiences - and we acknowledge that we both have privilege having sat for a long time in positions of authority that have come to us through life opportunities we have experienced, our gender identities and our race.

None of this has been taken lightly or dismissively. Each of us has seriously questioned our ongoing service in this community and wondered whether our departure would be the best way to begin a restoration of trust for those who have lost faith in these institutions. We acknowledge that our silence has only deepened anxiety and uncertainty as we have sought to assess our circumstances and to identify the paths we must take to rebuild community trust.

I continually aspire to focus my effort on building a stronger, compassionate, thoughtful and more resilient community for all of our residents. As we go through this process, we may not always agree, but I will always bring integrity and focus to the shared desire for a better future. I am prepared to always reflect, reposition and renew my efforts toward that goal. Today, in committing to work together with Chief Johnson, I fully recognize the challenging road ahead.

In order to continue, Chief Johnson has committed to publicly addressing, acknowledging and apologizing for past behavior. He has expressed the motivation to serve and to genuinely and thoughtfully engage in rebuilding damaged relationships with the community. He has further committed to being engaged in a dialogue about rethinking policing practices as well as finding new ways to be transparent, informative and reflective about current practices. These are all serious commitments and ones I intend to both require and support.

The current situation is not one that any of us take lightly; it is not where we want ourselves or the community to be. We have heard the concerns, reflected on status today, engaged in an internal process of accountability and look forward to being part of the process that can bring change and progress toward an inclusive, engaged and caring community for all.