Police Accreditation & Certification

Post date: Sep 28, 2020 6:34:23 PM


October 22, 2020

10/5: Submitted Department application to the Commission

10/15: Spoke for an hour by phone with Donna Taylor Mooers, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC), and toured their website with her for familiarity.

Checklist: Start-up Tasks for Beginning the Process

    • Program Application (Completed)

    • Joined MPAC Network; (Completed)

    • Waiving Standards that are Not Applicable (In Progress):

      • Unarmed Civilians Uniformed, Duties in the Field

      • Tactical Team Training Program;

      • In Car Audio/Video

      • Tactical Team Equipment

      • Processing & Temporary Detention

      • Communications Function; Direct Agency Control

Registered to attend the following classes:

    • 11/4; Program Orientation: Police Certification and Accreditation - Part I

    • 11/5; Program Orientation: Police Certification and Accreditation - Part II