Town Meeting warrant

Post date: Jun 15, 2020 3:2:52 PM

Warrant is awaiting 1 article from counsel and will be updated with any valid citizen petitions that arrived on Friday afternoon.

Right now, articles are lettered. Will need to number and potentially rearrange to facilitate consent agenda (trying to avoid jumping from section to section as much as previous years.)

Finance Committee meets Wednesday to approve financial articles. This creates a few options for the Select Board. First, would be to delay all voting until Finance Committee has met and hold a separate "off cycle" meeting solely for the purpose of voting articles - either later this week or next Monday evening. Second, the Select Board could choose to vote articles at this meeting, with a caveat that of the Finance Committee does not recommend that the Select Board could meet again to reconsider, if needed, votes on such article(s). Third, the Select Board could vote recommendations on all non-financial articles this evening and then vote just the remaining financial ones at a future meeting.