Community Development

Post date: May 03, 2019 6:32:34 PM



- North Science Building: Exterior Brick is complete, Exterior stone work is ongoing, Interior cold formed framing is almost complete, above ceiling inspections will start next week.

- Fort Bradshaww: The structural masonry walls are complete on the west addition, Interior cold formed framing is almost complete, insulation is ongoing, Wood framing on addition roof is about 70%.

- Working with Williams both reactively and proactively to change the use of portions of buildings because to COVID-19.

- 330 Cole Ave: One building foundation system is complete and one footing for another building is complete.

- Over a dozen PV permits applications have come in in the last week.

- We continue to have a good flow of residential application coming in. In fact we continue to trend ahead of 2019. Over the preceding 30 days we have issued 85 building permits for all types of construction. The same period in 2019 saw 76 permits issued.


- The Board of Health met with Wiiliams College officials to discuss their plan for returning students and testing for COVID 19.

- The Town Managers and Board of Health agents from Williamstown and Lanesborough met with interim superintendent Robert Putnam and business manager Joe Bergeron to discuss the region’s plan for reopening.

- Jeff Kennedy has been witnessing Title 5 Inspections and soil evaluations for houses to be sold.

- There have been no substantiated complaints of Phase 3 reopening violations by Williamstown businesses.


- The Conservation Commission continues to work through permits for both Determinations and Notices of Intent despite the pandemic. They will be looking at the proposed Linear Park Link Trail next month.

- The Planning Board recently welcomed new member Peter Beck and elected Stephanie Boyd for a second term as chair and Chris Winters as Vice Chair. Dante Birch will represent the community at the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission. The Board also met last week for a public hearing on zoning bylaw amendments. They voted favorably on each citizen's petition.

- The Zoning Board recently approved a long driveway music recording studio and accessory dwelling for Albert Cummings. They will meet in August as well to review an application on Latham Street for a garage.

- The Town of Adams was recently awarded funding to provide grants to micro enterprises. Adams is serving as the lead community on this project due to Com. Dev. Dir. Donna Cesan's extensive experience with the Community Development Block Grant program. This funding is available to Williamstown businesses as we are a participatory in the grant along with all other North County towns. Information on an application process will be provided when available. Many thanks are due to Donna and the Town of Adams for serving as lead community.

- Andrew and Andy Hogeland are participating in a study committee with the Bennington Regional Council and folks from Bennington and Pownal. The purpose of the committee is to study the feasibility of using the former Berkshire Street Railway trolley bed as a route for a bike path connecting Williamstown and Bennington.
