Council on Aging

Post date: Jan 28, 2019 6:45:25 PM

August Newsletter & Calendar attached

The Council on Aging will be sponsoring a suicide prevention group lead by Stave Barrow, a peer counselor working at the Brien Center. According to CDC statistics, the suicide rate nationally rose 24% between 1999 and 2014. There are an average of 129 suicides every day. Suicide can be a preventable cause of death for folks of all ages, this group will be totally unique to North Berkshire County. The intent is to operate on a similar basis to AA, there will be no attendance taken, participants will remain anonymous, the group will exist solely to provide support for those who are considering suicide.and will not host a bereavement function. The actual start date for this group has not yet been set, there care still details to address but it will likely be operable mid to late September.

Karyn O'Toole's 17th Annual Summer High Tea happens at the Harper Center on Tuesday the 13th at 1:00. Lots of different teas, silver service sets, China tea cups and saucers not paper and folks with white gloves and silly hats... it's an August thing over here.

Champagne Jam, a very popular local group plays at Harper at 1:00 on Friday August 16, they're preceded by a cookout featuring hot and sweet sausage at noon.