Street Lights

Post date: Jul 25, 2019 2:22:13 PM

I've met with Stephanie Boyd and Nancy Nylen from the COOL Committee to contemplate next steps in supporting the Fire District's decision to revisit their original proposal for changing streetlights. We've outlined two tracks of information gathering and work - one that is more technical in nature regarding process for commissioning lighting study and navigating the various hoops of obtaining buyout pricing, getting a place in line for future grant eligibility etc. I expect a reasonable portion of activity there will be something I will undertake with their help. Second, is the need to engage some community conversation and to sift through the various pieces of information relative to type, fixture, control, etc. On that side, the Committee will bring the knowledgeable filtering to consider that data. While nothing is firmly set yet, the rough expectation is for them to host a conversation to share what they know and for residents to provide initial input sometime in September.

As there are process updates, I will continue to share that information.