Governor's preliminary budget cherry sheet estimates

Post date: Jan 24, 2019 8:23:21 PM

FY2020 Preliminary Cherry Sheet Estimates

The Division of Local Services has posted on its website preliminary cherry sheet estimates based on Governor Baker's FY2020 budget recommendation (House 1), which was released today.

Municipal estimates receipts and charges

Regional school estimated receipts and charges

The House 1 budget proposal is based on An Act to Promote Equity and Excellence in Education, a comprehensive school finance bill filed by the Baker-Polito Administration. The bill implements the major recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission (FBRC) and significantly increases the Foundation Budget over time, beginning in FY2020. In addition, H.1 and the accompanying legislation also incorporate other enhancements to the Commonwealth’s school funding framework.

The Administration is introducing a new three-year formula for reimbursing school districts for charter school tuition increases, putting the program on schedule for full funding within a three-year time frame. Once fully phased in, districts will be reimbursed 100% in year one, 60% in year two and 40% in year three. H.1 budget language also creates a Public School Improvement Trust Fund, funded with one-time revenue, to be used at the discretion of the Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education to help accelerate improvement in low performing schools.

More detailed information regarding these and other school finance related initiatives contained in H.1 and the accompanying legislation can be found on the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) website at: Information includes the Chapter 70 aid calculations, minimum contributions and net school spending requirements.

Specifically, House 1 recommends funding FY2020 Chapter 70 at $5.108 billion, or $200.3 million higher than the FY2019 GAA; increases Unrestricted General Government Aid (UGGA) by $29.7 million to $1.129 billion and increases Charter Tuition Assessment Reimbursements to $106.0 million, a $16.0 million increase over the FY2019 GAA; and level funding most other cherry sheet accounts at the FY2019 amounts.

Cherry sheet estimates for charter school tuition and reimbursements are based on estimated tuition rates and projected enrollments under charters previously issued by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. Please be advised that charter school assessments and reimbursements will change as updated tuition rates and enrollments become available. Estimates for the school choice assessments may also change significantly when updated to reflect final tuition rates and enrollments.

Estimates for the State-owned land program reflect changes to both the valuation of state-owned land properties and the calculation of the reimbursement, based on the Municipal Modernization Act. For more information about the State-owned land program, please view the State-owned land FAQs found on the DLS website. The FAQs and current State-owned land values can be found here. Local officials should note that these numbers are subject to both the legislative process as well as adjustments due to acquisitions and dispositions that have not been included in these values yet.

It is important for local officials to remember that these estimates are preliminary and are subject to change as the legislative process unfolds.