Community Development

Post date: May 23, 2016 12:48:13 PM


Certificates of Inspection are nearly complete for all College buildings, the Department is underway on Schools and Churches. Liquor license holders will occur later in the fall. There are numerous residential projects underway in town. The new marijuana dispensary is well underway. Footings and foundations are being poured at the Garfield House replacement. St. Anthony Hall renovation is well underway, elevator pit footings have been poured. Roof coverings and exterior sheathing are underway at the new Williams Inn. Bronfman Hall is currently undergoing demolition as is the original classroom building at Mount Greylock High. Final plans for a gut remodel of Lehman Hall are expected this week.


The Board of Health continues to conduct numerous Title 5 inspections that have required replacement systems as many properties that have had long tenured owners are selling. The Board continues to work with local business owners and also recently issued several corrective notices, all were well received and issues corrected in short order.


There are two open seats on Land Use Boards currently. 1 for ZBA Alternate and 1 for Sign Commission. Residents are encouraged to apply at the Town Manager's Office.

Andrew recently applied for a $250,000 capital expenses grant that the Town became eligible for as a Housing Choice Community. The funding is targeted at funding communication equipment for the police station.

Asbestos remediation to be funded by grant from the EPA at 330 Cole Ave is currently out for bids.

The Municipal Vulnerability Climate Plan was accepted by the Commonwealth, work with Berkshire Regional Planning Continues on the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Andrew recently completed participation with One Berkshire in the Berkshire Blueprint 2.0 project. This economic development planning document focused on industry cluster growth will be released later this year.

The Planning Board will begin hosting "Community Coffees" a series of meetings the 1st Wednesday of the month 4PM at the Log and Second Saturday 8:30 AM at the Chef's Hat. Two Board members will be in attendance to allow members of the community to have informal and relaxed conversations with their elected officials about issues of concern that can be brought back to the Board for regular discussion.

Zoning Board will meet next month to look at finalized site plan design for Mount Greylock High.

Conservation Commission met on Thursday July 26 and discussed the idea of a Town Trails Committee that has been proposed by Robert Hatton and Williamstown Rural Lands and discussed by the Board of Selectmen.