MMA Legislative Breakfasts

Post date: Feb 27, 2018 5:58:4 PM

MMA’s Legislative Breakfast Meetings Start this Week

Please Register Today!

February 26, 2018

Dear Jason,

The MMA’s Annual Spring Legislative Breakfast series will start this Friday morning in Fairhaven and Palmer. These regional meetings will continue on March 9th in Hudson and Newburyport and on March 16th in Gardner and Pittsfield. We hope you can join us at the meeting nearest you to talk with area legislators, municipal colleagues from the region, and MMA staff about key issues. As always, we expect a lively discussion!

Please CLICK HERE to see the full schedule, register for a meeting and get directions

These meetings will take place as the Legislature starts to look at the fiscal 2019 state budget recommendation filed by Gov. Baker, and begins to draft their own House and Senate budget bills. In particular, we expect that these legislative breakfasts will provide an excellent opportunity for you to tell your legislators what you need to balance your budgets – especially in accounts such as unrestricted municipal aid, Chapter 70, Charter School Reimbursements, Special Education reimbursements, and more.

Spring 2018 will also mark the start of the sprint to finish the legislative session, with many important bills in the works that affect local government, including the zoning and housing production legislation filed by the Governor and now headed to the House, and the big clean energy bill in the Senate. These six breakfast meetings will also provide an excellent chance to talk with your legislators about a wide range of issues and how they would affect cities and towns, such as funding for Chapter 90 and other local capital programs, and the local impact of new statutes and regulations such as the commercial marijuana law. Spring 2018 is going to be incredibly busy and exciting!

PLEASE SIGN UP TODAY! You can register through or by contacting

Alandra Champion at or 617-426-7272.

Coffee and pastries will be available at 8:00 a.m., with introductions and presentations starting at 8:15 a.m. The meetings will conclude by 10:00 a.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Alandra at or by calling 617-426-7272 x121.