Police Station

Post date: Dec 22, 2017 2:57:30 PM

We continue to work on trying to finalize pieces of the Police Station design so it can go to bid. The most challenging piece at the moment is sifting through all of the communications issues - we continue to engage with a variety of local partners and design team on this.

On 3/6, Chief Johnson and I requested a parking determination for the Planning Board (see explanatory letter attached below). Planning Board approved our request for up to 27 spaces and offered flexibility to have as few as 23. We had designed to hold all possible vehicles and equipment on site; in practice, we will likely continue to hold some non first responding items elsewhere, as we do now. For instance, all 3 pieces of equipment used by the Fire Warden as well as the PD equipment trailer do not need to always be on site.

We are slated to present to the ZBA for Special Permit approval on 3/15 (application materials).

Our intention is to schedule a full presentation to the Board of Selectmen at one of our meetings in April since we will have final and hopefully, all land use board approved plans at that point. At that time, too, I should have a firmer sense of total project cost and can walk through the strategy of payment on $5 million of borrowing.