Berkshire Region 100% Renewable Energy Summit

Post date: Feb 22, 2018 7:42:24 PM

I am writing to invite you to attend the Berkshire Region 100% Renewable Energy Summit on Monday, March 5th at Berkshire Community College.

Our reliance on dirty energy is polluting our communities, harming our health, and changing our climate. The good news is that we have alternatives. Cities and towns, businesses, nonprofits, and families in the Berkshires are reducing their energy usage and switching to clean, renewable energy from sources like solar and wind.

Our recent progress on clean energy should give us confidence that we can go much further. In fact, leaders at the Statehouse are moving forward with a bill to expand solar and wind and commit Massachusetts to 100% Renewable Energy. We are inviting leaders from local and state government, businesses, institutions and community organizations to join us for a discussion about moving our region towards 100 percent renewable energy, increasing our energy efficiency, and maximizing the benefits for our environment, our economy, and all of our residents. Please see the attached invitation and RSVP here. Please share with colleagues and other community leaders!

Hosted By:

State Senator Adam Hinds

State Representative Paul Mark

State Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier

Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer

Berkshire Community College

Berkshire Photovoltaic Services

Alpine Solar Heat and Hot Water

Berkshire Center for Justice

Berkshire Communities Green Network

Berkshire Environmental Action Team

350 MA Berkshires


Environment Massachusetts Research & Policy Center

To read more and RSVP, click here.

Hope to see you there,

Meghan Hassett Campaign Organizer Environment Massachusetts