Bike path updates

Post date: Sep 27, 2017 3:49:24 PM

DOT has scheduled 25% design hearing (the next regulatory hurdle) for 11/1 at 6:30 pm at Town Hall.

We continue to work through final design issues mainly associated with where and how it crosses the street and connects in North Adams. The specifics of that siting are really driven by where the City opts to locate it. Currently, the plan calls for a crossing of Route 2 somewhere beyond the Spruces and then running through a corridor behind Chenaille Terrace and along the edge of the Airport property. In order to facilitate that, there is a portion of land that is in both Williamstown and North Adams, (shown in yellow on attached map.) We have been working with the owner over the past several months regarding a donation of the 2 parcels, one to North Adams and one to Williamstown. Mayor Alcombright has taken the lead on that and successfully convinced the owner to donate the land. Lawyers are currently working on deeds (of course, nothing is easy and it appears that the deeds didn't recognize town boundaries.)

In order for us to formally accept the donation of land, a vote of Town Meeting is required. I am planning to have the appropriate article to do so for the Special Town Meeting on 11/14. My understanding that in North Adams, this acceptance is a responsibility of the City Council, and that they will be also considering it on the evening of the 14th.