Email from Dan Gendron

Post date: Aug 07, 2017 7:16:2 PM

Selectmen, Planning Board, Andrew Groff, Jason Hoch (Andrew please forward this to Planning Board members.)

I have been saying for some time now that we will be in a tough spot for firefighting (actually as far back as when I was a selectman). I do not feel that the Fire District is capable of solving its manpower needs going forward for a Call Department. (Call Departments are based on volunteerism, but they are paid.) I have suggested to the Prudential that they consider raising the pay, but there is resistance. Yet there is a desire by the men and women to have an increase. They are not paid all the well frankly. I am sure there are other ways to increase membership and there are ways that the Town Government could help in that area with resources and ideas. The Prudential's belief that a new building with a recreation room will increase membership has about a 10% reality factor. I do not think the current leadership is open to many ideas unless they are their ideas and I do not think that they are able to see what is needed beyond a building.

I believe that we need to think about this issue as a Town and not as just a Fire District issue. The Fire District does not have the resources to really move forward. They are 1/2 the budget of the police department, and they are really just a department despite being a sovereign governmental body. They're all fine men and women but the leadership is entrenched in the past. I realize I complain about this ad nauseam but we are looking at a looming crisis.

Here is Cheshire's dilemma.

Dan Gendron