Mass Moves Workshop

Post date: Feb 20, 2017 4:49:40 PM

MassMOVES is an initiative recently created by the State Senate. It is a public engagement effort to create a statewide transportation vision for the 21st century that will be accomplished through nine public workshops held across the Commonwealth. The Western Mass. MassMOVES workshop has been scheduled for March 28, 2017. Attached you will find a brochure on the workshops.

Although the actual location and time remains to be determined, we wanted to provide you with advance notice so that you can place it on your calendar. Having said this, it is expected that the workshop will include lunch so the timing would be around 11 AM to 2 PM, the location is expected to be in the vicinity of Springfield. As soon the location and time are finalized, we will announce this information to you. Please plan on attending and participating in this important transportation visioning event.

Clete Kus

Transportation Program Manager

Berkshire Regional Planning Commission