Marketing - initial data

Post date: Oct 19, 2016 1:55:49 PM

Stegeman Carol to Jason, me

Oct 15

Below is the live BVB e-blast that went out on the 13th mid-afternoon.

Google Analytics/ Site visits: 393 Total Sessions on Thursday, Oct., 13 when the Blast went out, with 2.61 minuets per session. That’s an incredible amount of time that people took looking through the site. Bounce rate was 56% about average. (We had been averaging 160 sessions every day this past month.)

Sorting on cities, Williamstown was 10%, New York City was 8%, North Adams 5%, Boston was 4%, Adams is 1.25% , then Pittsfield, New Haven, on down to all over the world.

Friday Oct. 7th, the day before the ads went up there were 260 session registered. Saturday, the day the banner was posted, there were 232 session and it stayed there until the 13th when it had the bump from the BVB ad.

Yesterday it was 286 sessions for the day.

83% new visitors to the site this last month.

We’re not able at this point to know which ad produced the most hits since they went up in the same week.