Dorkiest "Riddle" Problem Ever

Here's a problem I created that makes what would otherwise be a boring/tedious "pushing a box" Newton's 2nd Law problem a little more interesting by embedding a riddle into it. It's incredibly dorky, so use at your own risk.

THE APPLIED FORCE FROM THE PERSON IS 159.9 N. (I forgot to draw that key piece of information into the diagram!)

The problem: (Click here to enlarge) 

I'll give you a minute or two to work on it...

The Answers:

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1) The acceleration is 0.052 m/s/s.

2) The time to reach the other sheep is 60 seconds

3) Who is the person? Beyoncé! Why? 

The lady is Beyoncé based off of her song Irreplaceable, in which she sings the lyrics "To the left, to the left / Everything you own in a box to the left" and "I could have another you in a minute." I find it most effective to (attempt to) sing the lyrics to the students while explaining that the box contains "everything you own" and that she reaches the "other ewe" in a minute.

Here's the music video as a reference:


A Word of Caution:

I should caution you that, aside from increasing engagement/curiosity with the riddle, there is essentially no pedagogical value to incorporating Beyoncé Knowles into physics problems. Furthermore, it is likely that presenting this problem to your students will further any impressions of you that they may have that you are a dork.

A Final, Important Note:

If your students are unable to identify the person as Beyoncé on their own, I recommend that your remark:

"Oh well, I guess you guys must not know 'bout her, you must not know 'bout her."

This references a later refrain in the song and will further boost your level of dorkiness in the eyes of your students.