Applying the SAMR Model


The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) model offers a method of seeing how technology can impact teaching and learning.

It is a framework through which teachers can assess and evaluate the technology used in their classroom. As teachers move along the continuum, computer technology becomes more important in the classroom but at the same time becomes more invisibly woven into the practice of good teaching and learning.

The SAMR model is also a good tool for reflection, and can be applied to many other aspects of the teaching and learning process or environment.

For example, we can use it to evaluate the way we are utilising our new Modern Learning Environment.

The challenge for us at Western Heights is to ensure our MLE is not a Modern Looking Environment, but an aide to modern approaches to teaching and learning.

Our Kakapo Team (senior school teachers) have been and will continue to, research ways MLEs provide enhanced, augmented, modified and redefined ways to teach and learn and prepare our children for the world they will inherit, rather than the one we grew up in.

One of the key messages for staff is the shift in Mindset that is now required of us as 21st Century teachers. That shift requires us to see ourselves as learners first and teachers second.

We will also be reflecting on the work of Carol Dweck, a world-renowned Stanford University psychologist. After decades of research on achievement and success, Carol came up with a simple idea that makes all the difference. Teaching a Growth Mindset creates motivation and productivity which has specific application in the worlds of education, business, and sports.

This is an exciting time to be an educator. We are in a time of exponential change, and as they say, if we are not moving forwards, we are moving backwards.

We are well past the time where the teacher was the "sage on the stage", the gatekeeper of knowledge and the main voice in the classroom.

We have entered the age of the learner - where learners have the opportunity to think, reflect, discuss, analyse, and decide.

Where the goal is not finding the knowledge, but ascertaining the validity and veracity of the information available. Then reworking, refining, repurposing and representing that information in ways that that add value, deepen understanding, have real world applications and make a difference.

I am amazed at how far and fast our staff have moved in their teaching and learning journey in just a year and a bit. I am excited at where we can go next, and look forward to you all joining us.